Coronavirus has got us all in a bit of a fix, but this IS temporary.  If you’re feeling all over the place and full of different anxieties, be rest assured, you’re not alone and it is extremely normal to feel this way.

I’m finding the news far too upsetting!

Are you just listening to those KEY words at the moment? CORONA VIRUS, COVID-19, PANDEMIC that is dominating TV, Radio, Social Media, and in newspapers? This constant exposure to news reports, statistics, and even fake news stories can be designed to scaremonger us, thus making it increasingly difficult to escape our corona-anxiety.

Of course, it’s important to keep up to date with developments in order to stay safe, you may want to give yourself a rest for a while.

Some things to try:-

Try limiting your news intake to once a day

You could try just listening to the headlines or to the Prime Minister’s daily update only, and then turn your attention to something else that’s not corona-y. Why not turn off your news notifications?

Don’t believe everything you hear

Fake news is rife and so is gossip across all social media platforms, these are designed to grab your attention and potentially frighten you.  Why not watch the BBC   Sky News or CNN for factual & global news!

You could give social media a break

As hard as that may be, give it a try.

Focus on the good stuff

David Attenborough is always our favorite person to watch when feeling drowned by the news! Especially the Blue Planet series.

Lockdown is doing my head in! 

We are all aware that staying home, is the most important and effective contribution we can do to help overcome the spread of Corona, however, that doesn’t mean it’s easy. It doesn’t feel natural to practice social distancing with our friends & family. This is why our students at the University of Plymouth, have their own house ‘bubbles’ in all our student accommodation in Plymouth. There are no high rise buildings to worry about, they are welcomed to stay in their properties and reside with their friends. At Student Rooms 4 u, we provide comfortable & cosy homes, with fireplaces, TV’S, lovely kitchens, lounges & comfortable bedrooms.

A few tips for staying sane at home:

Prioritise self-care

Take good care of yourself! Treat each day when you get out of bed in a positive way, don’t lay in for longer than you would normally, wash/ shower, make your bed and tidy your room, have a nice cup of tea/ coffee, and a good breakfast. Try and keep things routinely normal.  This will give you a sense of being.


Aagh! We all love to exercise. There are so many free online apps and YouTube is ideal, as there are so many fitness programs to choose from. You are allowed to go out for exercise too! This will not only help you physically but also help you with your mental existence. If you have a Fitbit or a SMART watch, set yourself some challenges! You’ll look and feel so much better too!

Try viewing this as an opportunity

Try using this opportunity to develop new skills, you will be surprised what you can do. Cooking and baking are therapeutic and you can be as creative as you wish, at Student Rooms 4 U, we provide excellent well-equipped kitchens for you to try out your culinary skills. Go on, impress your housemates!

Talk to people

Whilst we’re not allowed to meet up with friends & family at the moment, we can still keep in touch. Thank goodness for modern tech like the internet! Make sure to check in with friends and family by video calling, try hosting a virtual party using House Party, seek out online exercise classes via Zoom and look out for virtual pub quizzes.

Help others

Being kind can have an amazing impact on our own mental health and also it’s good to help others. Why not lookout for opportunities on social media, if someone is wanting someone to do a food shop because they are isolating or can’t get out. Obviously, all safety measures would have to be adhered to!

I’m still so anxious about everything

There will ALWAYS be someone you can talk to. DO NOT FEEL ALONE! These are uncertain times and uncertainty is a massive driver for anxiety. If your worries & anxieties are becoming too much, it’s important you speak to someone about it.

Some things to consider:

Tell your GP how you’re feeling

A chat on the phone could be just what you need to reassure you. They will also be able to talk you through any further options.

Telephone Counseling

Whether it’s private or through the NHS, counseling can be extremely effective in combating anxiety.

Try talking to others

It is more than likely that some of your friends or family are feeling the same way. Opening up about your worries can make a huge difference to how you’re feeling.

Finally, we will get through this together! 

We have to be aware that our planet goes through turbulent times on a daily basis, this is what we call LIFE and EXISTENCE. Every 100 years there is a pandemic of some sort and it just so happens that this is just one of them. Our ancestors would have had dreadful experiences during the World Wars. We will rise from the ashes when it’s our time!

We WILL get through this together!